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About The
Patriot Project

The future of chiropractic care within the military starts here


The Patriot Project is a grassroots movement to provide chiropractic care to all Active Military, their Families, Wounded Warriors & All Gold Star Dependents. 

It's a little-known fact that chiropractic care is included in veterans' health benefits and is an underutilized option. The Patriot Project aims to change this by making chiropractic care readily available to our service members. 

With adequate funding, The Patriot Project plans to develop a USO-type chiropractic care tour, visiting military bases at home and around the world, including all active forward operating bases like those in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We are calling on all chiropractors to help by becoming a patriot. Participating doctors will make time available to treat at least one armed service member weekly at no charge. He/she will also help us collect patient testimonials, which will be used to further our cause in Congress.

Mission Statement.

To provide chiropractic care to active military, their families, wounded warriors, and Gold Star Dependents.

To make full chiropractic benefits in TRICARE care readily available for ALL active duty military, retirees, and veterans.

To have chiropractic physicians commissioned as officers in all armed services.

To have chiropractic physicians embedded in all forward operating bases of combat.

To have a Chiropractic Department in every VA hospital and clinic.


To educate veterans with service-related disabilities, they have chiropractic benefit coverage through the Veterans Administration.

Please let your congressman know chiropractic care is supposed to be available as a veteran’s health benefit, but access to this non-drug, non-surgical care is currently restricted to only a small portion of veterans who need and desire it.  The conservative care of chiropractic physicians needs to be readily available to ALL active duty military personnel.

Downloadable Assets.

Feel free to use The Patriot Project brochures and logos for your Patriot Project-related materials. Click the buttons below to download everything you need to get involved! 

Meet Our Supporters.

Diabled Veterans
National Foundation

Thank you to our grant funder, The Disabled Veterans National Foundation for their support of The Patriot Project. To learn more, please click below.

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Disabled man doing a pull up with one arm
person on top of mountain with their fist in the air

Community health

Thank you to our community partner, Community Health Resources, for supporting The Patriot Project. To learn more, please click the below.

CHR Logo (1).jpg

Community Sponsors

Shelter Fitness
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